
    Traditional Chinese Acupuncture Since 1993 – Over 30 Years of Experience


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Chinese Acupuncture Clinic in Mississauga

Our Mississauga Acupuncture Clinic Programs

Why Choose Us for Acupuncture in Mississauga

*Treating beyond symptoms*     At Master Acupuncture Mississauga clinic, we are committed to providing best acupuncture treatment, which means that our acupuncture treatments are not only aimed at the treatment of symptoms, but also focus on solving the underlying factors that cause the problem. At our Mississauga acupuncture clinic, patients need is always a top priority. We strive to improve your physical, emotional, and mental health, leading a balanced and harmonious life. Aside from acupunctue treatments, we also provide each patient with self care guide, ensuring longevity of heath beyond treatments.

Best Acupuncture for You

In our over 30 years of acupuncture treatment experiences, we have used acupuncture to treat a wide variety of acute and chronic pain (such as migrane, TMJ, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, sciatic pain, knee pain, PMS, fibromyalgia etc.), Irregular Menstrual Cycle, infertility, acute and chronic allergies, sleep disorders, digestive disorders, anxiety and depression, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, and immune system disorders. Through our acupuncture treatments, countless patients have got rid of their ailments and can enjoy life again in good health.

Our Mississauga Acupuncture Clinic FAQs

We have shared some of our frequently asked questions to help you out!  You can browse the topics below to find what you are looking for.

FAQ-Toronto Acupuncture

Acupuncture is quite safe. In this country, sterile single-use disposable needles must be used to prevent infection. The treatment site should be swabbed with alcohol or another disinfectant before needles are inserted.

Acupuncture is the gentle insertion of very fine needles at specific points on the body. There is little sensitivity to the insertion of acupuncture needles. The extreme thinness of the needles ensures that little or no discomfort will be experienced during the treatment.

The acupuncturist will examine the topography, colours, and shape of your tongue, will examine your complexion, eyes, check your radial pulse (located on the inner wrists), and might palpate areas of the body.  The inspection of the tongue, body, pulse, and the details gathered from questioning will help the acupuncturist to gather these details/symptoms into patterns.  These patterns will then be used to determine the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) diagnosis which will then let the acupuncturist know how to treat and advise you.

An initial evaluation is conducted to obtain a history and initial examination. During this “consultation period” we will discuss your diagnosis and the options for treatment.

An initial visit lasts for about 60 minutes. Each treatment after that lasts for about 45 minutes.

The number of treatments necessary depends on the condition being treated. Recent injuries and conditions seen at an early stage will often improve immediately. Those conditions that have been present for longer periods may require more treatment.

This depends on what you are being treated for. It is common for treatments to be scheduled one or two times a week in the beginning to obtain optimal response and then we will recommend a schedule of treatments that will provide the best results.

A positive response to acupuncture treatments is generally seen after the first to fourth treatment. If you are being treated for a menstrual problem or infertility, give the treatments three menstrual cycles for your body to respond.

Yes, acupuncture is not contraindicated for children or infants.  Since children and infants can be quite mobile, needles are not retained for very long.

Side effects of acupuncture are usually very minimal, especially when compared to the side effects of modern pharmaceuticals. Possible adverse reactions may include:

  • Minor bruising
  • Minor soreness in needling location

Acupuncture is covered by an increasing number of insurance providers. Check with your insurance company to see what your policy offers and to what extent. Currently, OHIP does not cover acupuncture treatments.

Check our services and schedule an appointment with us today.